Ath*let"ics (#), n. The art of training by athletic exercises;
the games and sports of athletes. © Webster 1913.
At Galion High School your Student Athlete has opportunities to experience multiple sports in a varied and exciting athletic program.
Participating in Athletics provides our Student Athletes with positive values such as teamwork, perseverance, determination and good sportsmanship that will help shape him/her into an outstanding citizen.
Consider making Athletics a part of your student's High School career to help develop a balanced, healthy, fit individual ready to take on future endeavors.
Please contact High School Athletic Director Matt Tyrrell at 419-468-6500 or email with any questions.
OHSAA Pre-Season Presentation
Student Athletes and their parent/guardians are invited to join us in a OHSAA Facebook Live Q & A Presentation in addition to the mandatory sport specific parent meeting that is held prior to each sport season.
The purpose of this meeting is to make students and their parents/guardians aware of the obligations they must meet in order to have the privilege of participation in interscholastic athletics. We will review the school's essential eligibility standards, our athletic policies and/or code of conduct, and procedures related to topics such as sportsmanship and health/concussion/sports medicine issues.
Additional Athletics Info
Cautionary Statements